Demonology Old to New Testament

Temiloluwa Adeniyi-Ipadeola
2 min readNov 4, 2020


The influence and encounter of divinations are rich in the old testament and the new testament is not lacking either. Disbelief in the demons and angles would be the equivalent of being a flat earther today or believing the earth is the center of the universe. The point is, it would be against the majority popular beliefs and it may be uncomfortable to continue to hold those views. Today especially in most western countries, association with supernatural creatures such as demons is only a form of comical, or frightening entertainment. Very few people actually believe in them strongly enough to seek their assistance by conjuring spells or oppose them by exoticizing them.

In many third-world countries as is my personal experience they realize people still seem to be familiar with demons and angle or at the very least they call them spirits far more than the west. in fact it seems that they are still living in antiquity. In the old Testament, it establishes that there are forces for good and forces of evil. The forces for good being angels authorized and created by God. They are in the servitude of God, Carrying out his desires as commissioned throughout the old testament. From defending the garden of Eden to aiding and visiting Abraham to delivering Elijah and so on. At the same time, the presence of opposing forces to God has also been consistent even before the Fall of Adam and Eve in the garden. We know that the serpent was in the garden from the very beginning. He is revealed to be a fallen angel in Ezekiel 28:13–19, Isaiah 14:12–15. Satan as he is commonly known, took a third of the angelic host with him when He rebelled against God. (Revelation 12:4) Genesis teaches that the influence of fallen angels was so great that the fallen taught men the way of magic and divinations.

So by the time God had made a covenant with Israel he instructs them not to go the way of the other nations, which were actively serving False Gods and demon. This truth is still a warning in pauls letter. His warning seems a bit different though but for what reason? in 1 corinthians 8–10, instead of writing them not to eat of the food offered to Demons and other gods, He tells them simply not to eat for the sake of those Christians with a soft conscience who seems to be weak in knowledge and are still influenced by their old traditions. Paul explains that they are no other gods but the one God the Father, and no other Lord but his Son Jesus Christ. He also explained the food offered to idols has no benefits or harm to Christians. In Paul’s letter, he exposes his theology of God’s relationship to Demon, or Idols. He set up the supremacy of God’s authority even over other gods, demons, or idols, in that Christians are not affected by the power of other gods and idols. In fact, some of the early Christians had the power or authority to expel these spirits.



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